Illustration Fridays: Farm and Safe

Last week I didn't get a chance to post. So I'm doing 2 posts in one entry.

I finally broke down and got a wacom tablet this week. I know, you're saying "WHAT?! HOW DID YOU SURVIVE?" Well, let me say I got very adept with a mouse. I feel much less so amazingly with the wacom pen. But, practice makes perfect, right? Any tips for a beginner? Here's my first sketch with the tablet. It's for last week's

And to go along with the topic this week. Here are a few farm scenes from my book "Already Asleep" available online now, in stores October 2006. The first is the dedication page and the second is the final full scene before the last page (when nearly everyone, but the mom, is asleep). These are sketched, scanned, printed on watercolor paper, painted with watercolors, and lined in pen. This is my usual process now. The night scene was trickey as they often are. But I think it turned out well.