Fun activity

In preparation for another school visit, I thought I'd let the kiddos learn how to draw my latest picture book character...Gus. The book I wrote and illustrated (my first publication as an author) comes out in Spring of 2010 with Marshall Cavendish. I wanted to get the kids excited for it's arrival so I made up this little "how-to." You are welcome to print it for your own self or children, or even for their school. But those are the only usage rights given. Enjoy!

Finished two, one more on the tables

Well, I just finished the interior illustrations for a chapter book I've been working on for Farrar, Strauss and Giroux by A.E. Cannon called "Chihuahua Chase". It was fun to see it come together but kind of "pull-my hair out" in the process at times. But that's how great creative work comes to be, right? In addition, I finished and turned in the illustrations for the book I wrote, "Tickle, Tickle! Itch, Twitch!" coming out in Spring 2010. I love finishing projects. I just don't love the in between sometimes.
I'm still in that "not-quite-done" phase of one more book. I have to be in the "I'm finished" phase in just 4 weeks. Whew! Time to get back to the drawing table (or the painting easel at this point).