My Sketchnotes from General Conference October 2018

Twice a year, the leaders and people of my faith gather to listen and be uplifted by what has been deemed a series of "Ted Talks" on surviving life in this world. The talks are all broadcast and available for download in several forms HERE.

But I also like to make available a compilation of my sketchnotes that I take during each talk. So, my friends, here they are in a downloadable pdf. They are in order of the talks given and are as I wrote them at the time the speaker was speaking. These are essentially my personal notes on things that stood out to me so any misquotes or misrepresentations or misspellings are entirely my own.

Feel free to share the link to the pdf but please do not copy, reuse or repurpose these in any way for your own or other's monetary or publicity gain. I do not ask for any fee for these notes and share them for your personal use and study. To keep them available and free, please respect the intent in which they were given.

Enjoy! (once you click on the link, it may take a while to's a large file.)