YOU CAN HELP FIGHT Childhood Hunger in Rural America

 If you read my blog post last fall, you may know that...

Children go hungry in America every day, particularly in rural communities, where statistics show food insecurity to be as high as 25%. This means up to one in four children in rural communities lacks nutritionally adequate food or the ability to acquire it on a daily basis. In one of the wealthiest countries in the world, this appalling statistic is unacceptable. 

To raise awareness, provide information, and help connect those suffering with much-needed resources, I wrote and illustrated a short graphic novel about a boy named Hugo in a rural area of southwest America who just wants to help his class win the school kickball tournament. However, Hugo's hunger ends up getting in the way of this and his everyday life. Find out how he tackles this problem in "Hungry: a graphic novel fighting childhood food insecurity."  

To help fight childhood hunger further, I have decided to donate 50% of all profits from the sale of this book to charitable organizations like "No Kid Hungry." Please help get the word out by sharing this book and this post with anyone and everyone. Getting it into elementary school libraries would be especially helpful so those children who suffer have easier access to the information they may need to get through. 


Click on the link and then click the "look inside" logo to see a few of the interior pages.order your book here through Amazon

General Conference Notes from April 2023

 Hello, friends. 

Once again, I have made a pdf download of all of my personal sketched notes from the April 2023 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You are welcome to use these without cost for personalfamilyor classroom use as long as you give attribution to me. Please do not sell these in any format or try to pass them off as your own. You are welcome to print them and use them for your own study in whatever way you wish of course. As long as everyone plays by these rules, I can still offer them for free for all. Of course, I would really really love it if you’d follow me on Instagram or even Facebook if you have an account. Here’s the link for both platforms…

Now for the pdf file of my notes. Please note, any mistakes are my own and these are my own interpretations of the talks given. I draw/create them in real-time as the speakers speak, so these are not refined in any way. Click on the link below to download. 

I don't ask for any payment, but some people have requested a link to donate to. If you would LIKE to donate to my artistic endeavors, you can do so via Venmo @Julie-Olson-1 or click here but it is not required.

Enjoy! (click on the picture or the link below it for the file)

Link to free PDF download