UNBOUND: Original Picture Book Art by Utah Illustrators

Here are pictures from the Museum Show Opening. It was great fun! And here's a link to a blog all about the show and the museum. They'll be featuring an illustrator at story time each Saturday so don't miss out.This is the opening title block...And here are all the books that have art displayed on the walls. See 2 of mine, one on bottom shelf and one on very top.My art on the wall...each illustrator...
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Illustrator Art Show

Rarely does a museum in the west (not on a coast) get so many illustrators of picture books to participate in a mass art show. It's pretty exciting. I've been asked to hang 3 pieces in the show. I feel honored to do so since there are so many great illustrators participating. The Springville Art Museum is holding a festive show opening this Saturday, September 13th from 12-3pm where the illustrators...
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Illustration Friday: Memories

Memories of Dance Class....actually, the memories came as I watched my daughter in her dance recital. I was never this decked out though. My costumes were much simpler...black leotard and tigh...
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Character Sketch

I did this little doodle as I was working on some black and white line drawings for workbook illustrations. I liked it so I slapped on color in Paint...
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I'm a freelance illustrator working in the children's book industry. I love kids and raising my own 4 children. They are the inspiration and the passion behind all I do in art and in life. See my website at JulieOlsonbooks.com

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