Thumbnail to Final

Here's the final sketch for one of the thumbnail sketches you see below. I don't put value in my final sketches because I scan those in and then print them out onto watercolor paper and then paint them. I'll post the two subsequent pages that go along with this spread soon. I just don't have time today. I'm in the middle of moving boxes in my basement to make way for the framer to come and the Heating guy to put in the heating ducts before the freezing weather sets in. Right now my feet and fingers just get a bit chilled as I'm working. Come Spring, we'll finish off the whole thing. I can't wait!


  1. Looks fun. Lots of nice little details. Looking good.

  2. Hi Julie,
    I love your style, and it's great to find artists in Utah that are so fantastic! Good luck on the book!

  3. I love what you did with John and his room. Your vision, so far, for this manuscript is perfect. I am the author of ALREADY ASLEEP and it was exciting to see how fine an illustrator you are and what you were doing with this page in the book.
