Illustration Friday: Small

So, I did this spot today and took the accompanying photo so I could post it for Illustration Friday...both illustrate the topic to some degree (see the SMALL mouse). My little boy Spencer (4 years old) wanted to sit and paint like mommy...I loved it. I told him what I was doing and he came up with this. In his words "The guy" (on the top right) "with the lightsaber is the bad guy putting in SMALL poisons in this pipe supply." (the green lines are the pipes and the red is the poisoned water or whatever.) I must say this makes me wonder what he's overheard on the news concerning terrorists and contaminated water supplies or if he's just exhibiting the normal boy interest in bad guys. Hmmm...


  1. The doggie and your son are absolutely adorable! I'm sorry I'm not already familiar with your work, but I highly appreciate the posts you have on the process involved in illustrating. I find your style and words inspiring.

  2. This dog has a certain scruffiness to it that just makes him sooo apealing and real. love it

  3. Love your illustrations. Thanks for sharing the process of illustrating for books and how you go about finding opportunity to get published. Very inspiring. Do share more with us. I am blogrolling you, if you don't mind. :)

  4. Looks like talent runs in the family. Sometimes my kids come up with some crazy drawings too.
