Double Page Spreads

After completing all the spots for the Already Asleep book, I've been working on the double page spreads. On every one I've put a cat and mouse playing "cat and mouse." In this one, I've put things from the preceeding spot illos in the double page spread b/c that is what little John has done all day to make him so tired...balls, bugs, trucks and trees. In each double page spread I've also put the mom (who is never mentioned in the story) working and cleaning up after the busy day everyone has had...but you never see her face. Isn't that how motherhood is...the silent partner in all the busy goings on of the day? Moms do so much and it's just expected. But it's all worth it. I hate the mundane tasks of being COO (cheif operating officer) of the household, but I'm proud of the way my family turns out as a result of it.


  1. Julie I love it! I can't wait to see all of what you have done when the publisher shows it to me. I've had a wonderful response so far for people interested in doing pre orders for the book. I know it is because of your wonderful illustrations. Thanks for posting and sharing!

    A. D. Tarbox, author of ALREADY ASLEEP

  2. I love all the thought and layered storylines you've added in the illustrations. The signs of a true illustrator that knows her craft well!
