Illustration Friday: Chair

Here's the final illo in color and changed a bit from the sketch. I made her hair frazzled (straw included) and put other things from her day by her on the floor. So, she plopped down and says "GOODNIGHT!" (for goodness sake). And look, it has a chair. And guess what....I'M FINISHED illustrating the book! I just need to get it all scanned in and packaged up. My oldest son is recovering well from the strep throat but now my poor 2 year old has a fever. The doctors say it's not strep and not an ear infection, probably just a virus. But the poor thing has a fever of 103 and isn't too comfortable. She's napping at the moment. Maybe I should go take a nap as well. Whew!


  1. Hi Julie! Good to see another Utah artist! Nice job on the illo, I really like the use of colors here, gives it an overall softness that adds to the sleepiness of the cat and the overworked mom! Great work, keep the creativity flowing!!

  2. That has such a "comfy" feel. I feel like I am looking in the mirror at about 7pm, though my hair is more blonde, and the clothes/towels next to me/her would probably not be folded! Children and fevers are just such an awful mix of uncertainty.

  3. what a great transformation from the sketch to the final illustration! My goodness...the cat even decided to hop on her lap! You've captured the look of pure exhaustion when it meets a comfy chair...I love it:>

  4. I sure can relate to this! Congratulations on being finished with your project!

  5. If ever a chair has been put to good use, it must be this one,sharp artwork and idea

  6. My goodness this is wonderful. that is me at the end of the day cat included. Whenever i sit down my cat gets up on my lap and sleeps also.

  7. I think the changes you made are such an improvement from the sketch. It turned out really nice. She looks frazzeled. Couldn't you find time to do a chair that wasn't part of a job?

  8. Happy to hear you're finished! Hope you can have a similar "goodnight" experience, minus the frazzle. What a great illustration - captures the frazzled feeling quite well - funny how the kitty looks worn out too...getting petted and fed is so exhausting! :o) Love and admire your work!

  9. I love it, your work is absolutely brilliant!

  10. It's brilliant, thanks so much for sharing it and your process! I just found your blog last night, and have just read the whole thing (and I took a couple notes...). I've bookmarked it and will definitely be back! And I love your blog's title - I can't believe how many times I've had to explain what an illustrator is!

  11. Absolutely fantastic!! Congrats on finishing your book as well!

  12. aint that the truth!!!! congrats on your book!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe you are able to juggle motherhood and children's books (yes, you give me hope!)... your work is so soft and warm-hearted!!!!

  13. very nice!!
    That is how I end up every night!

  14. Julie:

    Your work is very strong and I see you are a published illustrator...that is terrific! I'm trying to get there.

    The award I won at SCBWI was for bragging rights only.


  15. Great work! Enjoyed reading the posts.

  16. Congratulations on finishing your book! I really like how the cat looks just as exhausted as she does!

  17. Thanks for your comments and congratulatory remarks. It was from suggestions from fellow illustrators that prompted me to change the sketch and thus made the illustration better. It's great to have a forum where we can critique and help each other out.

    Dave: I don't think I'm "There" yet but I'm working on it. I'll see you "there" when we both arrive.

    Ellia: it can be done...but often I look like this at the end of the day. It's all worth it.

    Kactiguy: no, I couldn't find the time. Just have to think smarter...that's all I'm saying about the illo Friday topics. Just kidding. I wish I had the time to do a new illustration each week that has nothing to do with work. Someday!

  18. Wow,your illustrations are great and this blog is more than great.
    Back in college I was required to take a children's book illustration class. I truly enjoyed it but soon realized how much work goes into the books. It must have been one of my hardest classes.

    I enjoy your work and look forward to visiting your blog.

    Hope your children get well soon!

  19. Julie,
    Just had the chance to check out your blog after not visiting it for awhile. I really like the changes you made to the last page of the book. Great work! I look forward to seeing the whole thing! You are awesome and I am proud to have shared this project with you.
    A. D. Tarbox, author of ALREADY ASLEEP

  20. It's been a fun book to work on. I hope you like it.

  21. This is wonderful!! I missed your initial post of the sketch but went back and checked it out. they are both so cool!
