Janet Steven's Visit

Sorry to any of you who've been expecting posts. I've been living in a whirlwind this past month. Every spare minute is spent on illustrating and finishing our basement. I need my art desk OUT of my bedroom. It's chaos.

This week I had the opportunity of hosting Janet Stevens (Caldecott honor medal winner) at a Children's Literature conference at UVSC in Orem, UT. I had a great time getting to know her. She is HILARIOUS, fun, energetic and SOOOOOO talented. She was an inspiration to all who heard her. I snuck her away from the hectic conference for a few hours and we shared a wonderful lunch at Sundance Resort just up the canyon. I loved hearing about her story writing and illustrating process and was even inspired enough to come up with an idea on the way home from the airport. Now I just need to get started on it.


  1. Hi Julie, I attended the Forum last week for the very first time and was so impressed with the presentations and workshops. Janet Stevens is an inspiration. How wonderful that you were able to have some one on one time with her. Your class was so informative and worthwhile. Thank you for sharing your process and all the helpful links. (I came home and signed up for a blog, like you suggested). Best to you with all your endeavors, Kim

  2. I attended a retreat with Janet last year in Seattle. She does a fabulous and inspiring job and was delightful to listen to.

    Your blog struck me because I am originally from back East, have a family full of statisticians and academics (on the male side at least. I do have a sister who's an illustrator as well), and graduated from BYU Design Dept. in '90. Since you are still in the area, do you see much of Bob or Richard?

    You look like you are doing very well for yourself! Which is so encouraging to see in this day and job climate. I enjoyed your blog.

  3. Sounded like your conference went really well. I wish I could have gone to bask in your wisdom. Sounds like Janet was really great too. I would have loved to meet her. Maybe some other time.
