Illustrator Art Show

Rarely does a museum in the west (not on a coast) get so many illustrators of picture books to participate in a mass art show. It's pretty exciting. I've been asked to hang 3 pieces in the show. I feel honored to do so since there are so many great illustrators participating.

The Springville Art Museum is holding a festive show opening this Saturday, September 13th from 12-3pm where the illustrators will be signing books, there will be activities for the kids and refreshments for all. Not every illustrator will be there in person...but I will be! So come see me.

Here are some more particulars about the show itself...

13 September - 28 December 2008

A collection of children’s books illustrations, this exhibition showcases the work of 27 illustrators that have their roots in Utah. Appealing to both adults and children alike, the show will also display works that explore the process of creating illustrations for books. Each artist has their own unique style, but all add tremendously to the joy of reading! In fact, some illustrators will be at the museum during the opening and throughout the duration of the exhibition to do live readings of their books. The artists shown in the exhibition include:

Ben Sowards
Bethanne Anderson
Brett Helquist
Cambria Evans (Christensen)
Carolyn Fisher
David A. Carter
E.J. Bird
Fumi Kosaka
Greg Newbold
Greg Swearingen
Guy Francis
Hala Wittwer
Howard Fullmer
James Christensen
Julie Olsen
Kevin Hawkes
Lily Toy Hong (Hatch)
Mark Buehner
Mark Graham
Matthew Armstrong
Nathan Hale
Pat Bagley
Richard Hull
Robert (Bob) Barrett
Robert Neubecker
Sherry Meidell
Will Terry


  1. wow, i wish it wasn't on the other side of the country, i would have loved to go.

  2. That's great! Too bad we live so far away. I'd love to come. It sounds so fun, and I LOVE children's books. And of course, it would be fun to get another book from our famous illustrator friend! :) Have a great time!
