"Dear Cinderella" Book Trailer

I've been working on this trailer for a little while now. I wanted to make it more than a slide show (like my others have been). So I asked my friend and master animator/illustrator, Jed Henry, to give me a tutorial on Adobe AfterEffects. So thanks to him, I was willing to brave an attempt at this robust software. My animations aren't near as smooth and beautiful as his, but I think it turned out pretty well for an amateur attempt. I especially was excited to make the movements "dance" with the music. If I was really good and had more time, I would make them dance even more. But I've got to stop myself at some point and work on real work. Hope you enjoy!


  1. I just watched this with Sam and didn't tell him what it was except that it was Aunt Julie's. He said "Oh! This is the princess one!" I think we might have to buy this book, even if we do just have boys in the home :)

  2. Hehe, and after I sent that first comment Sam saw the pictures on the side of your blog and said "Oh! That's 'Tickle Tickle Itch Twitch!' We should read that one on the TV." Just thought you should know that Sam is probably one of your biggest fans :)
