"Heart Attack" on Valentines Day

Warning: Post is unrelated to illustration except for the picture showing a shot of my studio.

Many of you have probably experienced this before, but it was my first time...

I received a MASSIVE heart attack this morning.

My alarm buzzed at 6:20 and I was so tempted to hit snooze. But instead, I stumbled out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom to get dressed and hit the treadmill. I shut the door and turned on the lights and it HIT me...a heart attack.

No, not the medical, health related kind. But the sweet loving gesture of someone who loves you.

My hubby had woken up in the middle of the night (so I wouldn't know of course) and plastered our house with post-it hearts covered in messages of love. He's such a sweetheart. He really doesn't like Valentines Day, to be truthful, but he swallowed the feelings of annoyance at a day where he's told he HAS to express love, and gave me this sweet and thoughtful gift. He's a wonderful guy and can be really romantic...I am a lucky gal.

So here's a shot of some of the hearts in my office studio. However, this doesn't do it justice. Hearts were all over the house, the car and my cupboards and purse. He went all out.

I hope each of you have a great Valentine in your life...be it spouse, pet, child, sibling, parent, or friend. We all deserve a little love.


  1. Very sweet Julie. Me being an artist, however keyed in on those neat metal bars in your studio. What are they called and where can I find them.

    1. I'm sorry, I got them 6 years ago and don't recall from where. I think it was online at Crate&Barrel or their modern sister site CB2. I wish they were magnetic though.
