Roxie Munro Highlight

I think I need to get out...or go on a vacation. I laughed as I started this post because I realized that yesterday I posted about a book where the character goes on a long bike ride and now today's post about Roxie Munro's A-MAZE-ing Vacation. Can you say "cabin fever" or "winter blues." So here I go, vicariously living again.

Roxie Munro
is an author/illustrator whose work I've come to know recently through a facebook group we are in together. She has created some fun books but more recently, some fun apps for the ipad and iphone.  Take your kids on a pseudo vacation while they wait at the dentist or ride in the car.

I also love her other app just for ipad. Really fun way to do a lift-the-flap book. These are the kinds of books that beg to be made into interactive apps.

Way to go, Roxie. What a fun experience!

YouTube trailer about the A-Maze-ing app...

YouTube trailer about her Doors/Lift-the-flap app...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, was great fun to make the apps, and great fun to meet you via FB. We have to get together in person one of these days!
