Just a little advanced notice...TV Interview Tomorrow

Just an FYI for anyone local who follows this blog:

I'm going to be interviewed on KUTV Channel 2 (CBS affiliate) tomorrow. The 3 minute interview will air on KUTV's "Fresh Living" show on Friday, March 29th from 1-1:30 pm MST. Here's hoping I don't get tongue tied and flub it up. :-)

I'll post a link to the video of the interview when it's available. AHHHH! I'm nervous!

(PS- I think I'd rather speak live at a conference to a room full of 1000 people than on a taped segment on TV....maybe because if I mess up there, it can't be played over and over again. LOL!)


  1. Can't wait to see! DVR is set.

  2. Cool!! And good luck!! I did a radio segment (not live, but a recorded reading of my book and a short interview) and that was really unnerving, but easier than TV! Once I got there it wasn't as scary as I had imagined though. The host was super nice and good at putting me completely at ease. You should ask Eve about her TV promotion for the Beehive Bazzar last year, I know she was pretty nervous about it too.

    Sending you calm vibes. :) Can't wait to see it!
