REMOTE: Illustration Friday

This is a late addition to the Illustration Friday. I decided to start participating as a means to keep my blog active as well as my creative mind. (Mainly it was prompting from Guy Francis which got me to do it). So this last week's topic was "remote." I'm working on a picture book called "Already Asleep" as I've mentioned before. Skteches are due on Tuesday (no, I'm not done yet) and this one with the dad "already asleep" lended itself perfectly to add something in at the prompting of Illustration Friday....a REMOTE control. Anyway, hopefully I'll contribute a more finished piece next time.


  1. Julie, amazing, beautiful art! It was very exciting for me to check your blog and see what you have done with the book, ALREADY ASLEEP. I am the author of ALREADY ASLEEP. I am so happy that publisher Moo Press found you to do the illustrations for this book. The style you are using is perfect for this book and your creativity is outstanding. I couldn't hold in my enthusiasm any more and had to tell you. You are a true professional, and very, very talented. Thanks for doing such a great job on the illustrations for this book. Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing everything when it is all done.

  2. Well, I'm really relieved that the author likes the sketches. Thanks! That's always a bit nerve-racking to wonder about. :-)


  3. Hello Julie,

    I just popped around the corner and find your site. My sound funny: but I really like your feet! Haven't seen such good ones in such a variety of perspectives
    for a while in children's books!

    .. thumbs up on Tuesday!

  4. You nailed this one. He loooks great. I too love the feet. Nicely done.
