Illustration Friday: "E" is for...

"E" is for Entomologist. My cousin's husband is an entomologist. So in tribute to him...maybe little John here will grow up to be one too. Although, which of us didn't put a few bugs in jars. (This is another illustration completed for "Already Asleep.")


  1. BEautiful illustration!! Love all your recent postings!! They are GREAT!

  2. i really really like this! he's adorable...and i love the little mouse looking on.

    An Enthusiastic thumbs up!

  3. Thank you Julie for your compliment. I learn to loose up my line quality by forcing myself not to use pencil. I draw directly with ink. It forces me to think ahead before I put down a line. It's a bit hard at first, but once you used to it, it's a lot of fun. :) Your craftmanship is excellent, I am sure you will adapte the ink lines easily.

  4. so very good! so very sweet!

  5. Excellent drawing, really captured his inquisition. - is that the right word ?

  6. Great illo. The look of wonder and focus on his face is great.

  7. Looks good. My wife is a bug person and now she has my daughter catching bugs too. I've got dead creepy things in my refridgerator. Why?

  8. Adorable illustration.
    great use of colors and all the little things going on like the mouse and cat.

  9. So sweet, my teeth hurt. I have a nephew who pretty much refuses to walk outside. He would rather crawl around on his hands and knees, examining everything around him. You captured that sort of personality well.

  10. This picture is fun and captures the words perfectly.
