
Well, I finally (after 2 years of working on it) submitted my groundhog dummy book to an editor at Simon and the mail today. Now I just need to forget about it so I don't worry about it and wonder about it. I have plenty of other things to keep myself busy so that shouldn't be a problem (shouldn't being the operative word there). It's always hard not to think about a book or art you have out there waiting to be critiqued. Cross your fingers for's the first real actual submission that is me all the and illustrator.


  1. Good luck!! I am crossing my fingers for you!!!

    I am so glad I happened upon your blog!!! It is so wonderful and you are so extremely talented!!! I knew you were. It's nice to see your artwork and your simple sketches!! Wow, they are amazing!!!

  2. I am so impressed by your talents! Wow!! I happened to come across your site and thought I would say hi!
