Speaking at the Library

This friday, June 27, I'm doing a little dog and pony show at the Orem Public Library at 7pm in the story  telling wing. So, if anyone is looking for something to do, come on by. You'll see how I work, some of my beginning artwork at 6 years old, and how a picture book is made. It's a show for all ages.


  1. Hey Julie! It was so fun to see your blog and Rhett's. Neil thought his post with Neil's picture on it was great. Brought back fun memories. He really misses backpacking with Rhett. Anyway, it sounds like things are going great for you guys, and your kids. We didn't know you had another baby. What is her name? How old are all of your kids now? I know Jacob was about a year younger than PJ, so he must be around 10. That is just so crazy! I still picture him about 5 years old. It would be fun to try to get together sometime when we are back in Utah. Also, congrats on your book that you just sent off a couple months ago. Author and illustrator, huh?! That's great. I'll have to buy it. Our kids still love "Hip Hip Hooray for Annie McRae", and the other little book you gave us when we moved from Payson ("Come and Play"). You should try to schedule a book signing out here in Bentonville! :) We went to one at Barnes & Noble a couple years ago, that Jan Brett came to. It was really big, and so fun. Anyway, take care.

  2. Okay, I was just looking at Rhett's photo website again, and figured that the picture with Jacob and Spencer and the 2 little girls couldn't be your girls, because it's when your boys were still little. Do you have another girl, or just Jacob, Spencer, and Adelaide? Oh, and my email address is schecketts@yahoo.com
