Storytime in Iowa

So you put a bit of yourself into every book you make...especially one that you write and illustrate yourself. Then you take that part of yourself and you throw it out into the world with one wish...for someone to love it and take care of it. Because after all, it's a part of yourself you never get back. So when someone finds it, takes it in, loves it, and then shares it with others, you can't help but feel like you've done something good, and in some small way, made the world a more enjoyable place...if only for a moment.

I was fortunate enough to have that feeling today.

I was just asked by the Iowa City Public Library for permission to record and rebroadcast a storytime reading of my book "Tickle, Tickle! Itch, Twitch!" on their local access channel. I don't know how many viewers they have, but as a college town full of book lovers, I sure hope they love mine. I was honored to receive this request from librarians I've never even met. It sure makes me smile to know that people out there enjoy my book enough to share it. Thank you, Iowa City!

1 comment:

  1. Julie,

    The wonderful children's collection and the librarians who maintain it were integral in helping our family settle in Iowa City a few years ago. Storytime in particular is where Charlotte made many of her first friends. I've always thought it was so cool that they broadcast storytime; when we still had cable we'd watch the re-runs or tell mama to tune in live when she couldn't make it down to the library with us.

    I am so thankful for all the authors and illustrators that continue to provide us with hours of entertainment, even if I swear I'm going to destroy my back by carting dozens of books to and from the library every other day.

    So, thank you, and be confident in the knowledge that your work does touch the lives of real people, and has been carefully chosen by librarians who truly care about children and children's literature.
