School Visits - I can come to your school!

I've done a lot of school visits over the years, all over Utah, and a couple in Washington and Michigan. I always have such a great time with the kids. They are the most wonderful, adoring fans an illustrator or author could ask for. They all have their own books in their heads screaming to come out as they bounce up and down with their hands raised to tell you a "story." They could go on for hours...
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Ever-Learning: Watercolor Master Class

So I've always wanted to take a master class on watercolor painting. I learned some techniques back in college and have just kept experimenting and developing since. But I don't feel I was ever taught well. But I don't feel I was ever taught well. I also really want to learn to paint landscapes better for this book idea I have. I finally made the time to take a 3-day course from a travelling...
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The Creativity of a Child

Children really don't need a Wii, a playstation, or even a playground. They simply need their mind...and maybe a cardboard box. I am constantly inspired by the creativity of children and strive to find that inner child when I am creating books. It's hard. Society has taught us all to conform and suppress ideas and actions that are against the norm. I've often thought about my own childhood and the very creative ways we entertained ourselves simply because my mom severely limited TV viewing. She...
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My Job(s)...Mom & Illustrator

With all the hub-bub recently with the comment about Ann Romney (stay at home mom) never having worked a day in her life, I reflected a bit on my own "Job(s)." We all play many roles in our lives...we are multiple things at once: children, siblings, parents, caregivers, volunteers at schools and community, housecleaners, cooks, etc. We also may have "employment" we do for monetary compensation....
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Meet Jed Henry, Artist Extraordinaire

Today I want you to meet my friend, author/illustrator, Jed Henry. Jed's illustrations have enhanced a couple of books, like PICK A PUP and Huckabee's CAN'T WAIT TIL CHRISTMAS, over the past 2 years. But now his work has exploded with 2 books coming out this year alone, 2 of which he wrote as well as illustrated. Released just this month is Jed's I SPEAK DINOSAUR, a creative book about a boy who...
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Children's Book Festival - Free Event

My local library hosts an amazing Children's Book Festival every year. It's a free event where people of all ages come for free books, for fun activities, to listen to amazing authors and illustrators, and to simply enjoy books. Put it on your calendars now. Saturday May 12th at the Provo City Library. In addition, I'll be on an illustrator panel on Thursday night, May 10th at 7pm at the library...
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Calendars- A Little Gift for You (April)

Here is April's Calendar card for you to print out. See the previous post for ideas on how to use or gift this item. Enjoy! (I almost forgot to post this like I said I would) And remember, please do not sell or use this card for anything but personal or classroom use. Do not use on the web as part of a webpage or design. Thanks! copyright Julie Olson 2012, reprint for personal use only, not for...
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I'm a freelance illustrator working in the children's book industry. I love kids and raising my own 4 children. They are the inspiration and the passion behind all I do in art and in life. See my website at

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