Wall Mural

I don't do these often...mostly painting fun designs or things on my own kid's walls every time we change their bedrooms around (see those pics here). And this is about as detailed as I got, for my boy's cowboy room way back in 2008. But every once in a while I get a request from someone to do more of a traditional wall mural/painting. So this is what I did this week in a large basement "under...
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Conference for Charity called Writing for Charity

Hope to see you at the WRITING FOR CHARITY conference this Saturday, April 27th! LIVE Manuscript Critiques by published authors!  Writing workshops!  Silent Auction!  Pick an author's brain!  Lunch provided! All proceeds help put books in the hands of less-fortunate children. Saturday, April 27, 2013 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Followed by Book Sale and Author Signing Utah Valley University Sorensen Student Center, Orem, UT(Park in the yellow student spaces in front of...
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A possible new venture...Stylized Kid Portraits

So I did this portrait of my kids and decided I may start offering them on a commissioned basis...maybe on Etsy or something. They'd be an 11x14 print, $200 for up to 3 kids, $50 per additional child. What do you think? Worth the price? Worth the venture? outline full color digital style full color final watercolor handpainted full color final watercolor hand painte...
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School Visit Demo

So today I did another school visit...I actually did two in one week. That is not usually what I do, but it just worked out that way. At today's visit, I enlisted the help of a student to video the presentation with my camera and then created this little demo so you get a small idea of what one of my general school visit consists of. This is a presentation for lower elementary grades. 4th-5th grades or Middle school age visits are much more in depth on the writing process and the illustrating process,...
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On TV again...Fun Times!

Here's a video of me on our local CBS affiliate's show "Fresh Living" once more...teaching the hosts, Casey and Debbie how to draw a penguin. See more of my how-to-draw lessons and coloring pages under the printables tab above. If you want to become an illustrator yourself, I highly recommend attending Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers Conference. www.WIFYR.com...
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How to draw: Penguin, Puppy, Pony,...and Mouse

Today I'm appearing on my local news show, KUTV's "Fresh Living," again. (It airs at 1pm MST on channel 2). They wanted me to come back and teach a little "how-to-draw" segment. I've posted a few how-to-draw posts previously, and now I'm adding a few more to those. You can find all of my drawing printouts under the PRINTABLES tab above. Enjoy!   ...
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How to draw a face/head

People always say to me, "Oh I'm no good at drawing. I can barely even draw a stick figure." Well, just so you know, people are the hardest things to draw and if all you are trying to do is get the idea of a person across to communicate, a stick figure does it for our left brains. That's what I use in the game of pictionary just like everybody else. People are hard to draw because we all know what...
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Now I need to do some Yoga

I've been drawing lots and lots of black and white yoga poses for a book. I'll post a link here when it comes out. After working all day today, I think I need to go do some yoga myself. It's such a great stress reliever. Ahhhhh.... ...
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How to draw a.....

Here are a couple of fun step-by-step, how to draw printable instructions for you or your cute kids this Spring Break. We are having a "stay-cation" this week so my kids quickly were asking me "What can I do?" I gave them these and told them to draw them and come up with their own story. I would love to see yours! Put a link in the comments. (maybe I'll post my kids' versions tomorrow if they'll approve...
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I'm a freelance illustrator working in the children's book industry. I love kids and raising my own 4 children. They are the inspiration and the passion behind all I do in art and in life. See my website at JulieOlsonbooks.com

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