How to draw a.....

Here are a couple of fun step-by-step, how to draw printable instructions for you or your cute kids this Spring Break. We are having a "stay-cation" this week so my kids quickly were asking me "What can I do?" I gave them these and told them to draw them and come up with their own story. I would love to see yours! Put a link in the comments. (maybe I'll post my kids' versions tomorrow if they'll approve it)

for home or classroom use only

You should be able to click on the image and then right click and save from the pop up. I'll also add them to the Printables tab at the top. Enjoy! and remember, post a link to your efforts in the comments below.
Oh and if you are a grown-up and REALLY want to learn how to draw and illustrate children's books, you should sign up for the illustration class at the Writing and Illustrating for Young Reader's conference ( You'll learn TONS!


  1. Hi, Julie,
    I am a writer who has artistic tendencies, but I'm not a good visual artist. Is WIFYR a place to learn this? Or should I get some stronger skills under my belt before focusing on an illustration class there? Thanks! Tabitha

    1. By all means, take it and try it out. It's a class for all levels. And by doing so, you can determine whether illustration is really for you or not...what you want to do. Bring what you have done in whatever form it's in and learn what Steve has to teach you. It'll be awesome!
