General Conference October 2020 Sketchnotes

 I definitely need to up my posting game. Every 6 months isn't very good. Sorry about that. But here I am again, posting my illustrated notes from the General Conference my worldwide church holds twice a year. This year has been especially difficult for nearly everyone in the world with the global COVID-19 pandemic. I hope you are all finding ways to feel supported and strengthened. This conference is one major thing that always supports, uplifts and motivates me to have a positive outlook and make an effort to change for the better. Maybe it will help you too. That's why I share my notes. 

If you want to watch the video of the talks these notes are from, you can go to 

These are my personal notes and are not meant to be used as transciptions of the conference in any way. Please do not copy them and resell or repurpose them for resale in any manner. I offer them for free personal use, home use, or religious classroom use. If you want to "contribute" to me as an artist, I would love it if you would pop over to Instagram and give me a follow. Click here to do that. Thank you!

Click here for the link to the pdf file of my notes. Enjoy!


  1. You have amazing Talent!! Thank you so much for sharing these with us! So excited to add them to my study notes!

    1. Thank you so much. I am glad you enjoy them. Best wishes

  2. Julie, thank you so incredibly much!! These are a real blessing to me as I have felt disconnected from everything during this pandemic. I decided to watch Conference and IMMEDIATELY felt myself reconnect. To say I am grateful doesn't even BEGIN to cover how I feel. Thanks for being you!

  3. Thanks so much for these as this conference season I did not take notes, I just focused on listening, while being otherwise engaged.

  4. I forwarded them to 62 friends who may review them before we discuss what surprised us about General Conference, and what we are doing differently now as a result of what we learned. Thank you again for sharing your talent. I marvel at the way you depict things that I can verbalize but not picture.

  5. I did take notes during conference , but I have so enjoyed your artwork and presentation. Thank you so much for sharing your talents.
