Calendars- A Little Gift for You! (March)

This is a little late (should've been posted at the beginning of the month), but I decided to make available (month by month) these little calendars I made for my mom last Mother's Day.  They are 4x6 size and easily printed on the little pre-packaged 4x6 photo paper for home printers. My mom displayed them on a miniature easel on her hutch. But they can be placed in a cute little frame or simply...
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Conference (Fellowship Opportunity for you)

I just got finished helping with the "Writing for Charity" conference in Provo, UT. It was an amazing event. I started out on an author panel with 25 of our local authors...Shannon Hale & Brandon Sanderson included (we have an AMAZING pool of talent here in Utah). Then we each took a small group of attendees and spent the next 2 hours critiquing their work. We ate lunch and finished up the day with a few breakout sessions taught by the authors. I was on a picture book panel. It's amazing to...
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How to make a Picture Book

A couple of years ago I did a series of posts on the steps to create a picture book...kind of a "how-to" consolidated guide. I've combined all those posts into one printable pdf file just for all of you. It explains the process in 4 phases: Initial Idea, Drafts, Creation, Submission. I hope it helps. DOWNLOAD  HERE In addition, I posted 10 tips for Illustrating Picture books about a month ago. You can now download that PDF as well...HE...
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New Bookmarks Ordered

I put an order in to Overnight Prints for some new bookmarks today to hand out at upcoming conferences and signings. I love handing out bookmarks and passing on my love of reading, books, and art. Here's a peak at the 2 front designs and the back information (the same on both). please do not print or republish these in any format...I'd love to give you a nice glossy bookmark for free...just come...
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Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers

I am teaching an intensive 3 day illustration workshop at the Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers Conference in Sandy, UT June 18-20th this year. If you have always wanted to illustrate books but don't know how to start, this is for you. If you are just starting out in the sea of illustrators vying for book jobs, this is for you. I've attended this conference several times in the past...
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Meet Sarah, of Sarah Jane Studios

A few years ago, when I was very very pregnant with my 4th baby, I had the opportunity to assist at a writing and illustrating conference. I was helping in an intensive 5 day illustration workshop filled with 15 attendees. One of those talented participants was Sarah Jane Wright, of Sarah Jane Studios. She had been running an etsy shop filled with BEAUTIFUL cards, stationary, prints, calendars,...
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Happy 108th Bday, Dr. Seuss!

Who didn't read Dr. Seuss Books as a kid? If you grew up in America, especially after the mid 60's, Dr. Seuss was pretty much a staple in every home or library bag. So, whether you think Seuss's books are great or not (I think he was a prolific genius), you have to appreciate his ability to speak to children and create a boom like never seen before in a market that was flooded with the adorable but...
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Happy World Book Day

Did you know today is World Book Day? What a wonderful kind of holiday. I love love love books, as I'm sure do you. So I've created a little treat for you in celebration...some free printable bookmarks. CLICK HERE TO GET THE PDF FILE TO PR...
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I'm a freelance illustrator working in the children's book industry. I love kids and raising my own 4 children. They are the inspiration and the passion behind all I do in art and in life. See my website at

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