Free Christmas Tags Printable

Here's an early Christmas present for you all. Free Christmas tags for all those gifts. Just print out on cardstock and cut out. You can tape on the package or use a single hole punch near the top of the tag to weave a ribbon through. Click HERE to download the PDF file. Please only print and use for personal use. Do not alter or resell in any form. That way I can keep offering things like...
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Do you want to illustrate children's books?

So perhaps you are a wonderful artist. Your paintings could hang on walls in galleries. And then your friend asks you to illustrate a picture book she wrote. She says, "You are an amazing artist. I would love it if you'd do the pictures for my book. It'll be wonderful and we will make millions!"(FYI, you may make millions of pennies, but don't count on millions of DOLLARS.) So then... You decide...
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School Visits and Book Signing: Indiana

AHH! Those southern Indiana tree tunneled roads. Over my birthday this year I had the opportunity to visit a few schools in my home state of Indiana. I had a fabulous time and was amazed at how many memories came flooding back as I walked the halls of my elementary school, drove down my old neighborhood streets, and chatted with old friends. I was blessed to have a wonderful childhood and it was...
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Will you illustrate my book?

I get asked multiple times a month, in one form or another, the following question... "WILL YOU ILLUSTRATE MY BOOK?" The short and truthful answer is usually, "I'm sorry. I can't." But you probably want the long answer. So here it is (condensed to basics). There are a couple of options if you have a picture book you want published. You can go the traditional route or the self publishing route (and I'll add a third option too...non-traditional).  Here is an explanation of what those...
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For those of you who are interested, my church holds a conference for the entire world two times a year and many people have asked for a copy of my illustrated notes. I call them #sketchnotes . Here's a link to the PDF file of all the notes from October's conference sessions. These are for personal use and not for resale of any kind. Enjoy! Julie Olson Illustrated General Conference No...
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Big Trip Planned (because I'm getting old)

A few months ago I realized that this year would be my 20th High School Reunion and all of a sudden I began to feel my age. I developed arthritis in a few knuckles, I tore a tendon in my right elbow, and my left knee developed tendonitis. In all honesty those things didn't all happen after my realization but they have all happened in the last year or so. Hence, in reflection, I began to feel quite...
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Signed with a Literary Agent!!!!

That's right. I just signed with Literary Agent John Cusick with Greenhouse Literary Agency. I've been repped by an art rep for the last 7 or so years and it's been just fine. They brought me jobs illustrating everything from books to asthma medication. However, I reached a point in my life and my career where I felt I needed to evolve, to change things up. I felt I needed and wanted to focus on only books and work on writing and illustrating the whole project myself. After a long talk with my...
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Signing at Swiss Days

Hello Friends! Just thought I'd let you know that I'll be signing my Discover America book at the Midway, Utah Swiss Days this Friday, August 29 from 2pm-5pm in booth #46, facing Main Street in Midway. It's THE BOOK SHOPPE's booth. Come by and say hello, get some coloring pages for the kiddos and their hand stamped. And you can even get a book if you feel so inclined. And then have a blast browsing...
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World Art Drop Day #artdropday

Hey everyone! This is a GREAT, AWESOME, FANTASTIC, FUN, EXCITING idea my friend Jake Parker had. And he's a GREAT, AWESOME, FANTASTIC, FUN, EXCITING artist so you should definitely check it out! #artdropday COPIED/SHARED FROM JAKE PARKER'S BLOG An open call to action to ALL artists everywhere!  Announcing All artists, (that means students and professionals, painters and cartoonists, sculptors...
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Writing Retreat for Picture Book Authors

Literary Agent, Jodell Sadler will be doing picture book critiques Aug 30, 2014 at Sundance Lodge Writing Retreats, up in the mountains of Utah at Sundance Lodge.  In addition, 4 professional authors/illustrators will be presenting tips and advice on writing picture books.  The cost for the whole day (including 3 gourmet meals) is only $150. If you need lodging for Friday and Saturday night, cost is another $100. Contact Mette Ivie Harrison ( to get...
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Summer Storytime

This week I will be doing the evening story time at the Orem City Library (located in Orem, UT). So if you would love a free night out with the family, come on by. It is Tuesday, July 22nd at 7pm in the storytelling wing of the children's section. Come find out which page of the book this little boy appears on... ...
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Presentation & Book Signing 7/15/14

This Tuesday night at 7pm I will be doing a presentation/story time and book signing for DISCOVER AMERICA: FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA at The Kings English Bookshop in Salt Lake City. I would love to see you there. Here are the details... Julie Olson | Discover America: From Sea to Shining Sea Start: Jul 15 2014 7:00 pm End: Jul 15 2014 9:00 pm Location:  1511 South 1500...
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ALA 2014 - Las Vegas

This year I was invited by my publisher, Shadow Mountain, to come to the American Library Association Conference held in Las Vegas to sign books in their booth. They put me up in a nice hotel, fed me a wonderful dinner, and treated me like an all out star. They are AWESOME publishers! The goal for publishers at ALA is to get their books into the hands of librarians, teachers and readers across...
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Book Reviews for Ally Condie's "Atlantia" and Ilima Todd's "Remake"

Atlantia by Ally Condie My rating: 5 of 5 stars I was so excited to get an Advance Readers Copy of Ally Condie's "Atlantia." I'll try not to give out any spoilers here (even if you want me to), but I will say that this is a wonderful story of independence, loyalty, family relationships, love, and sacrificing for the greater good. I like the fact that this book kind of deals with 2 (well also mentions...
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I'm a freelance illustrator working in the children's book industry. I love kids and raising my own 4 children. They are the inspiration and the passion behind all I do in art and in life. See my website at

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