So here I the finish line. I took my final day off yesterday and geared up for the big final push. I didn't have it left in me to do a full color comp for you today, but that's what happens....sometimes we limp to the finish line. BUT I MADE IT!
I visited my 95 year old grandmother today. And she inspired today's post. She's an amazing woman and still hanging in there. My dad and my baby...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 26

Today's idea plays back to the simple in illustration style (I'm not feeling 100% today). But we're almost near the end. This book is about a giraffe who wonder's why she looks different than the other giraffes. She's embarrassed to be seen at first but by the end loves herself for who she is. (really, it all just started because I drew a giraffe head)...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 25

We're closing in on the end of the marathon. I must say, it got me thinking and drawing and being more creative on a daily basis than I have been in a long long time. So, THANK YOU, PB Marathon.
I decided to go a bit retro with today's illustration style. This book idea is about a little boy who would deliver groceries to his elderly neighbor every week...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 24

I see how much my baby boy loves his binkie right now and I dread the day we'll have to wean him from it. However, it's much easier to wean a kid from a binkie than a thumb. I'll tell you my trick, I cut off the tip of the binkie nipple when the child isn't looking and leave it out for him/her (at about 2 years old). When the child puts it in, they don't like it. they bring it to me and...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 23 & illustration Friday

As per the previous post, I used my own kids as inspiration for today's picture book as well as Illustration Friday. Illustration Friday's theme is "Layer."So how many of you parents out there can relate to this...It has just snowed...A LOT! Your kids are elated. They can't wait to get out and play in it. So they start getting out all the gear (while in a T-shirt and shorts). You remind them to go...
Cutest Inspiration EVER!

So I have to put in here that I am sooooo proud to be a mom to 4 beautiful kids. They literally have become my inspiration in so much of my illustrating. Because of them, I draw better, I think like a kid better, and I have many experiences to pull from. I don't know how illustrators do it who don't have children in their lives somewhere. So THANKS to my cuti...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 22

Didn't think I'd get to this today. One of those days where business overcomes the art. I had to pull all my taxes together today. If I'd keep better records during the year, it wouldn't be such a process. Maybe this year...Anyway, today's post isn't anything grand, just kinda cute... But I'm sure an editor wouldn't be fond of a shirtless, diaper-clad baby on a cover. I think they're pinchable though.In...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 21

Today's picture book is honor of President's Day. Watch out, someday Penelope may just make it. It's about time for a chan...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 20

Wow, I've made it 20 days so far, posting 19 of them. This one needs work on the illustration obviously but of course it's just a sketch/color comp book idea as usual. None of these are really final illustrations, I hope you can tell.So you probably see a theme continuing from yesterday's post but it's really just a spin off idea. This idea is for a concept book on the days of the week. A little boy...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 19

This book idea came off my Doggy Day book idea...a sequel. Maybe this will be an ebook as well. There are my next two app ideas. If you're interested in that, you can check out the app we already have out by clicking on Jujubee Books at the rig...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 18

Okay, so this is a huge departure from yesterday's post, but I'm feeling like my house is a bit messy so I decided to post something pertaining to my mood. Something quick and messy. And yes, I'd rather just sit and ignore the mess and chaos around me right now...enjoy a snack or a cupcake. (that's kind of what I'm doing minus the food. I'm blogging and ignoring the mess) Anyway, this book is about...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 17

This is where I want to be today...on a beach! But I'm not, so I might as well imagine it.She Sells Sea Shellsby Julie OlsonShe sells sea shells, by the sea shore.And by the sea shore, she does much more...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 16 & ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY

Once again I'm combining posts, my daily marathon post and Illustration Friday. The theme for Illustration Friday is "sweater." Simple enough to incorporate. Here's an idea for a book. Shelly thinks she's shrinking (because all her friends are getting taller and she's not). Yes this may be a joke on my own life...I'm a shorty. But hey, could make a great picture book. Also, don't forget to check out...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 15

A book about Ellie Phant, the elephant, who wants to be a Balleri...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 14

So, I didn't make it yesterday. So I guess I only have one more free day for the rest of February. But hey, I'm not quitting. Today's post is a spin off of Goldilocks (in name only). This is thanks to Rick Walton's Goldilocks project on his website. Thanks for the inspiration, Rick!Premise: Goldilocks has lost her socks (among other things) because her room is so messy....
Picture Book Marathon- Day 12
This is a little different idea...a gift-type picture book. I thought of writing poems for each of the months of the year and including tear out calendar cards at the back with illustrations on them too. Sometimes I like just looking at pictures of cute kids. In the end, that's what this is about. So it probably doesn't truly work as a picture book, but I'm counting it anyway. ...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 11

So I've been working on finishing a dummy book all day today. It's actually one I've been working on for years but never finished. Here's to finishing!What's a dummy book? It's essentially a "fake" picture book. A mock up. I don't have a cover for you but I will show a sketch. Hopefully I can finish up the dummy and start on the real thing soon. I think I might make this one into an iPhone/iPad app...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 10

Well, these posts come late at night, but at least they come, right? This is a story I actually have been working on for a while called "Firefly". I've got the words down but I'm trying to get the characters and the style pinned down. This one is a "NO" I think, but I don't have time to redo it right now. Gotta post somethin'. Maybe I need Will Terry to illustrate ...
iPhone/iPad Children's Books

So Jujubee Books' first iPhone/iPad app is now available... Books was created in 2011 by professional author & illustrator, Julie Olson and her husband, Rhett Olson, after realizing the need for professional quality iPhone/iPad children's book applications. With her years of experience as a children's book illustrator and author and her husband's...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 9
Here's a very girlie picture book. I have princesses on the brain (I've been illustrating a princess book for the last three months). It's about a kingdom full of princesses and one little girl who wants to be a princess very badly...until she realizes how prim and proper you have to act and how boring it all is. Then she's happy to be her.Princesses! Princesses! Princesses!by Julie OlsonOnce upon...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 8

Today I didn't illustrate a cover, just a character. These are what illustrators call character sketches. The story is called, "Frankly Frankie." It's about a little girl who says what ever is on her mind. (this causes quite the silly, shocking, embarrassing moments) Might be better as an early reader chapter book. It's a little wor...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 7

I didn't have time to paint this one today. But I'm excited to later. You get the idea though.This idea came from a trip to the museum I took with my dad and kids. My cute son pushed my dad around the exhibit in a wheelchair (he has bad knees and bone spurs on his feet). He slowly, quietly pushed and talked for the whole hour. It was sweet.So in this book, a little girl, takes her elderly neighbor...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 6

Today's picture book idea is in honor of the Super Bowl today AND my 7 year old daughter's question, "Is the super bowl a big bowl?" Sorry for the crude nature of the illustration. I'm not at home and my father-in-law's computer only has limited capabilities. I'm so thankful for a wacom tablet and for CS5 at home. So, have a good chuckle. But I wasn't going to stop running the marathon just because...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 5

Here's a baby picture book or board book idea. All about baby talk. Get ready, get set, babble...Goo, Goo! Ga, Ga! Moo, Moo! Ma, Ma!by Julie OlsonGoo, Goo! Ga, Ga! (picture of a baby)Moo, Moo! (picture of a cow)Ma, Ma! (picture of mom)Da, Da! ( daddy)Wa, Wa! (water)Lu, Lu! La, La! (baby singing)Boo, Boo! (picture of a ghost)Baa, Baa! (picture of a sheep)Nana! (grandma)Papa! (grandpa)Ya! Ya! (hooray...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 4 & Illustration Friday

I'm combining two posts in one today. I haven't participated in illustration Friday for a while and I decided to work it in with today's picture book. The theme for Illustration Friday is "Surrender." So surrender to your inner child and enjoy the simple things in life, like riding a bike.The picture book idea I had is called, "Summer Cycle," about a little girl and all the adventures she has one...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 3

I'm a little pressed for time today so the cover had to be the first thing that came out of my sketch pencil. If I were to redo it I think I might make it a little more dramatic...more crud all over the place, a real mess. And maybe a puppy licking up crumbs. Puppies are always cute in picture books.Anyway, this picture book idea is about a little girl who one day decides she's queen of the house...doesn't...
Happy Groundhog Day 2011

I was so happy with Phil's prediction this year...Spring will come early. See the Washington Post article. I HOPE he's right! I'm ready for Spring.I think it happened in honor of Gus...MY groundhog. If you want to celebrate, feel free to pick up a copy HE...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 2

So I decided to do a take on "Goodnight Moon." I thought about being really satirical about it, but didn't have the brain power today. So it's just a jungle theme instead. But I can't decide whether to use the word "Hello" or "Good Day." What do you think?Hello Noonby Julie OlsonIn the blue afternoonthere was an elephant,And a brown baboon,And a tree branch with--a bird cleaning its plume.and there...
Picture Book Marathon- Day 1

Ready. Set. GO! The Picture Book Marathon has begun.I think this will be easier when the big book I'm illustrating is finally finished. But I did squeak out a cover and an idea for a picture book today.It's called "Big. Little. Middle." It's about a middle child who feels like nothing special but in the end finds his own unique place. I included a picture of the cover below and the text from the first...
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- Julie Olson
- I'm a freelance illustrator working in the children's book industry. I love kids and raising my own 4 children. They are the inspiration and the passion behind all I do in art and in life. See my website at
Blog Archive
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 28 - THE FINISH!
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 26
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 25
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 24
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 23 & illustration Friday
- Cutest Inspiration EVER!
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 22
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 21
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 20
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 19
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 18
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 17
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 16 & ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 15
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 14
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 12
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 11
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 10
- iPhone/iPad Children's Books
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 9
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 8
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 7
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 6
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 5
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 4 & Illustration Friday
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 3
- Happy Groundhog Day 2011
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 2
- Picture Book Marathon- Day 1